GamesAry is closed!

After more than two years of existence, we have decided to discontinue "GamesAry" for ever. We have invested a lot of time for this site to get so far - we never thought that ourselves! Since our entire team still works full-time and goes to school, we have to finish this project for reasons of time and focus on other things, including more important ones.

In this spirit, we would like to thank you for your valuable support and feedback. We would also like to thank our partners! Without you, we would never have come this far!

Our site will be closed until further notice. You can still download products published by us in our Marketplace. Other products, including Tatra, are published by the respective developers themselves.
On Sunday 25 February 2018, all our channels in the social networks will be deleted.

It was not easy for us to finish "GamesAry". But now the time has come.

Everything just ends.

Benjamin and Dennis